Sunday, January 25, 2015

My Website!!

I have officially completed my website!

I have been working on my website for a couple of months now. There are some minor changes that I would like to complete, but for now I am pleased.

As I posted earlier, I went through the Weebly webpage builder to complete my site. I chose to opt out of my own personal domain for now.

While creating my website I wanted to keep things clean and classic. I wanted my site to be easy to maneuver and I wanted for the viewer to get an incite on my teaching experience. ( I recommend adding images of yourself and things that you like to do).

I chose to keep the background white and my headers simply worded. I made tabs for viewers to gain further information about my classroom experience. I also created contact buttons that are linked to all my social media pages.

I recommend adding quotes to your site. Pick your favorite inspirational or education related quotes and find them on Pinterest. You can simply drag the found image and add it to your page.

The most important thing for you to add to your website is your classroom experience!!! 
Future employers will want to see your experience. If you have any references, add them to your page!

Remember that your website is public! Use it responsibly it can become your future resume.

Check mine out...

(I must disclose that my site will continue to change over the course of my final semester of school. I am looking forward to student teaching and will be sure to keep you updated!)


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