Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Is the Renaissance Festival Educational?

In the processes of becoming a teacher I have developed "teacher brain." I am constantly thinking about what tools can be used in my classroom.

This past weekend I visited the Carolina Renaissance Festival in Charlotte, NC. While I was there I took a moment to ask myself, "Am I learning anything?" 

I remember going to the festival as a high schooler. I spent most of my time hanging out with my friends and laughing at the workers dressed in costume. (Unfortunately, I'm afraid I didn't learn much). 

As I wondered around the festival this time I really paid attention. Come to find out, who knew there were so many things to learn?! 

The festival was full of potential learning opportunities. 

The festival offered an array of skits and activities, people dressed in period costumes, a jousting contest fit for a king and queen, and music and food to correlate with the time period.

I do think the Carolina Renaissance Festival was a learning experience. I think elementary students would benefit/ enjoy it more then a group of high schoolers.

I recommend contacting your nearest festival to check out school visitation packs!

This particular show focused on falcons. This particular falcon, Jinx, flew to a series of post. The bird would fly so close over the audiences' heads, you could feel the breeze from it's flapping wings. 

While the bird flew around the crowd, the presenter would provide facts about the majestic bird.

"Falcons are raptures."
"They hunt in pairs."
"Falcons can see 4-8 times better than humans."

Dancers and musicians, like the one above, can be seen throughout the festival.

The festival has a small museum. The museum is a couple of extra dollars. It holds varying medieval "justice" devices. 

For an older crowd, a hypnotist is on-site!

Students can learn about what blacksmiths do and make.

I met a pirate!

Around the holidays the festival has Pirate Christmas! This was one pirate walking around the fair grounds. 

Wouldn't it be fun to have students dress up in Renaissance costume? 

I give a the Carolina Renaissance Festival a thumbs up on the education meter. Even if it's not 100% educational, it sure is fun!

Be sure to check out festival information online!


Thursday, November 6, 2014

Creating a Website for Future Teachers

Hi everyone!

Today I have been working on building my personal website.

I am using the website as a resume for future job opportunities!

I worked through the site, Weebly is pretty self- explanatory and user friendly. My one recommendation would be to TAKE YOUR TIME!!! Try not to get frustrated while creating your own site. There were a few times that I wanted to give up, but I just kept trucking through and am pretty pleased with how it turned out.

I am still in the process of adding the final touches and am not quite ready to share my page. 
Instead, I am going to attach my professor's website,

Teachers/ future teachers, be sure to check it out!

I will check back in once my website has been completed!